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AP2 with two Networks


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2011-12-20



i'm use the AP2 module with following configuration:
- HRM Profile in Network 0 with ANT Network Key
- User Profile in Network 1 with Network Key 0

Now i want to search the HRM Profile with a specific sensor. For example (Devide ID 100 and Transmission Type 1). For the Second Profile i start a pairing search (Devide ID 0 and Transmission Type 0). All Sensors are searched with Low Prio Search (duration 30 sec). The High Prio Search is disabled (duration 0s). Only the user sensor is switched on, no HRM sensor is available. Both search and pairing request is started simultaneously.
The result is, i have to wait 30 sec then the AP2 Module returns a "channel closed" event for the HRM profile. After the channel closed event the AP2 module returns a "message channel ID ID" event for the user profile.

Why i have to wait 30 sec before the "message channel ID ID" event for the user profile is returned?
If i configured the network 1 for the user profile with the ANT Network Key, the "message channel ID ID" event is returned much more quickly and before the "channel closed" event from the HRM profile. Is seems there is a dependency with the Network Key.      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi Frederic,

ANT can only perform parallel searches on multiple channels on the same network (and at the same RF frequency). In your first case where you have devices on 2 different networks(0 and 1), the searches will stack up and execute following a set order. This is why you have to wait 30 seconds for the HRM search to timeout (return “channel closed”) before the User Profile search can begin.

In the second case, where you configure both profiles with the ANT Network Key, both channels are added onto the same network. The searches are then performed in parallel, resulting in a quicker “message channel ID” event response.

Note: Network numbers (0-2) are used as an index for specified Network keys. Although your two channels are using two different Network numbers (0 and 1), they are on the same Network when they have the same Network key.

For more information, please refer to the Multi-Channel Design Considerations file located in the ANT Applications Notes section of the Documents Download folder.

Good Luck,
