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unable to find resources for antap2dk1


Total Posts: 2

Joined 0



I am really struggling to find all the documentation to start using the antap2dk1 kit that i recently purchased.
most of the documents are scattered in the website and for a new developer like me i am having a very hard time.

Most of the links provided on the website that appear through the search box are broken.

I am utterly dissapointed with the way I have to fetch information.
Please help.

Gagan Jain

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi Gagan,

All of the ANT documents and resources can be found in one place:
Developer Tab > Resources > Downloads > Documents

The recommended documents you should read to get started with the ANTAP2DK1 Dev Kit are:
• ANT Development Kit User Manual (Development Kit User Manual Section)
• ANT Message Protocol and Usage (ANT Documentation Section)

Good Luck,