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NRF24ap1 High current draw?


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2012-11-23


I was wondering what kind of current draw you folks are experiencing with the nrf24ap1? Im measuring roughly 1mA using internal 32khz clock. Am i totally missing something here or is the current draw way to high? I have enclosed a pdf of the appropriate schematic entry. Well i tried to upload the sch. but it wont allow me to.      

Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi Eric,

That does sound high compared to normal operation, although it does depend how many channels you have open and what channel period you choose etc. If that current is what you are seeing as a base current (with no channels open) then something is wrong - check the board for shorts. The datasheet is available on the downloads page: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/#documents_tab in case you don't already have it.

If you have channels open, you can see the effect they should be having on the current draw with the AP1 operating in synchronous / asynchronous mode and with different numbers of channels transmitting at different rates using the power estimator tool here: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/components/power-estimator/ It's probably useful to have a look at this to see what should affect the power consumption or not.

Hope that helps,



Total Posts: 3

Joined 2012-11-23


Agreed. The 1mA draw is occuring just on the "ON" state with no messages being sent. I have enclosed a pdf of the appropriate schematic. I just would like to rule out any hardware causes before diving deeper into the codebase.

Is there an email address i can send this PDF? I can't upload it for some reason.

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