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Asynchronous Transmission using nRF24AP2


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-11-21


I have tried to configure the nRF24A2 chipset in the asynchronous transmission mode by setting the bits in the extended field assignment. Unfortunately for some reason, it does not seem to work. Does nRF24A2 chipset support asynchronous transmission?      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07



The nRF24AP2 chipset does not support asynchronous transmission mode. Currently the ANT components that do support asynchronous transmission mode are the nRF51422 SoC and the USB-m.

The solution with the nRF24AP2 chipset would be to open a channel, and then manually close it after receiving indication that the transmission was sent successfully.

Could you describe your set up in more detail, there may be a simpler implementation depending on your requirements.