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Difference Sendburst .net and c++ code


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I'm trying to use the sendburstmessagetransfer function to send a message back to the hardware i used.
I have some c++ code as example and i try to code in vb.net.
I noticed some difference using this function
In the c++ code i found:
retVal = [antLib SendBurstTransfer:channelNumber burstData:aucCommand packetCount:ucPacketCount retryCount:BURST_RETRY_COUNT];

In .net i could only find the function as part of the channel object:
rCode = channel4.sendBurstTransfer(aucCommand, CUInt(aucCommand.Length + 2500))

I noticed a difference in properties i can give with it.

Can anyone tell if there in .net (vb.net or C#) is another way to code the sendbursttransfer
In c++ it works, but in .net i got timeouts and failures. The filling of the message is correct.

