Maybe someone can help me with the following problem? I have made a matlab script to copy .FIT files from my Garmin 620 sportswatch to CSV using the FitCSVTool.
This looks something like:
thestring = ['java -jar ' locationofjar ' -b ' sourcepath ' ' targetpath];
[status cmdout] = system(thestring);
The variables 'locationofjar' 'filecopypath' and 'sourcepath' are dynamic strings depending on the operating system en file locations. locationofjar: path to FITCSVTool.jar; sourcepath: path to source file (fit); targetpath: path to target (csv).
This works fine on OSX, but on windows 'cmdout' gives me the error:
Exception in thread "main" FIT decode error: Endian 54 not supported.
at ...
I have no idea how to solve this problem. Maybe somebody can give me a hind.
Thanks in advance.