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Async scan on Android


Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02



Can I perform more than one "requestAsyncScanController" at a time? How many? Trying to start too many scans stops all existing scans.

If I call this multiple times it will start to work, and then all scans get CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE. This is true for either requesting the scan for all the different device types, or repeatedly for the same device type.

When I try to start a scan for all device types (an individual request for each), then get this in LogCat (my logs alternating with AsyncScanController logs):

BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Heart Rate Sensor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Environment Sensor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Bike Speed Sensor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Bike Cadence Sensor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Combined Bike Speed and Cadence Sensor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Stride Based Speed and Distance Monitor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Bike Power Sensor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Blood Pressure Monitor scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE
BBD20000: requestAccess: channel not available
ANT+ Weight Scale scan stopped. Reason=CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE





Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


I have a workaround where I only request one scan at a time; letting it run for a few seconds before I cancel it and start a scan for the next device type.

Note: the ANT icon will flash on and off on a Sony device while this is happening, and the first few device searches won't actually start as the service is initialising (as seen by the fact that the ANT icon never turns on).

Note 2: Stopping the search and starting it again means that the searching ANT channel could be taken by someone while changing devices. This was happening to me when I automatically tried requesting access on a device (which had failed with NO_CHANNELS_AVAILABLE) when the (ANT API) AntChannelProvider.ACTION_CHANNEL_PROVIDER_STATE_CHANGED intent showed NEW_CHANNELS_AVAILABLE).

This works (although it can be very slow), however I consistently have these errors show up in LogCat:
06-05 11:37:20.231: E/AsyncScanController(7625): BBD20000: requestAccess failed
06-05 11:37:20.231: E/AsyncScanController(7625): BBD20000: Unexpected Event: ScanFailure on already null object, code: -4

It doesn't impact operation, and devices are still discovered, but what causes this error?





Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


This post
ShaneG - 09 May 2014 01:39 PM
Our new version of the ANT+ Plugins API being released within the next week will have a new feature that allows searching for multiple ANT+ devices concurrently on a single channel as you describe. We will be releasing a beta soon, if you are interested please subscribe as a watcher of our ANT+ Plugins GitHub repo to be kept up to date on changes: https://github.com/ant-wireless/Android_ANTPlusPlugins
mentions a beta API available from GitHub which allows scan for multiple device types, but I can't find it. There is a https://github.com/ant-wireless/Android_API_ANTPlus repository, but I only see the stable release. Do I need to register?      




Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Sorry we didn't get you involved in the limited beta arrgh, but as you are aware the release candidates are now out, http://www.thisisant.com/forum/viewthread/4357/      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


My experience with the new API's is worse than before. Now every single time I stop/start an async scan I see the above errors and/or this:
W/MessageQueue(17402): Handler (android.os.Handler) {2be6dce8} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
W/MessageQueue(17402): java.lang.RuntimeException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {2be6dce8} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:196)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:473)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:446)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(Handler.java:383)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler$MessengerImpl.send(Handler.java:587)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.IMessenger$Stub.onTransact(IMessenger.java:56)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:338)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

Nothing has changed except moving to the new libraries.

Update: Switching to MultiDeviceSearch, this occurs when cancelling.      




Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


2 parts to my workaround for the error log part:

1) To stop these logs but still allow turning on logging during development, add this at initialization:

2) To completely strip out the internal ANT+ library debug logs in a release, with ProGuard optimization enabled add this to the config:
# The ANT+ API creates error LogCat entries even when nothing is broken. Don't log.
# We could turn this off at run time through setDebugLevel(NONE)
-assumenosideeffects class com.dsi.ant.plugins.utility.log.LogAnt {

The warning logs must not be due to requested log entries, so still occur (only in the latest release candidate library).      




Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


We look into cleaning up extraneous logging when we can, but there is no negative side effect of allowing it to continue, apart from cluttering logs. There are many other things that clutter logs, so if that is the only issue, you should just use log filters.

Forcefully disabling logging may result in missing useful debugging messages and is not recommended.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


This has a more severe impact than you give it credit. Error and warning logs coming from an app makes it look buggy and unreliable (at least to the tech-savy people who view logcat), which has a negative impact on user opinion of the app and publisher. There is also the performance impact and the simple fact that part of the Android "preparing for release" steps is to turn off logging.

The "sending message to a Handler on a dead thread" is also an actual error occurring.





Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


I was trying to confirm if this warning also occurs on the ANT+ Sampler, or if it is just my app, however repeatedly entering Async Scan Demo then exiting, after a few attempts I see:
E/AntPluginService(32198): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm
E/AsyncScanController(29444): BBD30000: requestAccess failed

Then I cleared the log and tried again (app still open), seeing:
07-14 13:14:56.003: E/AntChannelExecutor(32198): BBC30000: Executor Dying: RemoteException occured executing DoWork() in task: Scan Search Controller
07-14 13:14:56.013: E/AntPluginService(32198): BBC30000: Plugin async controller scan failed: executor died
07-14 13:14:56.073: E/AsyncScanController(29444): BBD30000: requestAccess failed
07-14 13:14:58.343: E/AntChannelExecutor(32198): BBC30000: Executor Dying: AntChannel fired OnChannelDeath()
07-14 13:14:58.343: E/AntChannelExecutor(32198): BBC30000: Executor Dying: RemoteException occured executing DoWork() in task: Scan Search Controller
07-14 13:14:59.163: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(25048): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-14 13:15:00.563: E/AntPluginService(32198): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm
07-14 13:15:00.563: E/AsyncScanController(29444): BBD30000: requestAccess failed
07-14 13:15:01.363: E/AntPluginService(32198): BBC30000: Plugin async controller scan failed: executor died
07-14 13:15:01.363: E/AsyncScanController(29444): BBD30000: requestAccess failed

Interestingly, while I generally see a whole lot of:
07-14 13:14:57.366: I/bluedroid(282): bt_enable: ret: -1, errno: 19

before the "AntChannel fired OnChannelDeath()" I see:
07-14 13:14:58.103: I/bluedroid(282): bt_enable: ret: 0, errno: 19

Full log attached. This is again on a Sony Ericsson Ray.

Also, this is repeatedly logged during a scan:
E/ScanSearchControllerTask(32198): BBC30000: Search timeout occured
E/ScanSearchControllerTask(32198): BBC30000: Channel closed

File Attachments




Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Okay, first of all the Ray firmware has known issues that can cause bluetooth and ANT errors which we do not have very much control over. 'bt_enable' messages are common and are part of normal operation on this phone.

We are already looking into the other error you reported of the channel dying, it seems an error at the hardware level is causing ANT to fail. We have only seen this on the Ray. How often does this occur for you?

Finally the search timeout log is not an error and has the wrong logging level, we are already cleaning that up in next version.



Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


On Channel Death: I have only seen this once during development of our app, and I am not sure if it was caused by the ANT+ Plugin Sampler or not. It is easily reproducible with the ANT+ Sampler.

Edit: Actually it is the quickly starting and stopping that is the issue. I am now using the MultiDeviceSearch but repeatedly toggling a switch which starts/cancels the search gave these error logs:

First time running app
07-15 14:26:35.413: E/AntPluginService(29379): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm
07-15 14:26:36.650: E/AntPluginService(29379): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm
07-15 14:26:37.513: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:26:38.730: E/AntPluginService(29379): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm
07-15 14:26:40.763: E/AntPluginService(29379): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm
07-15 14:27:03.333: E/AntChannelExecutor(29379): BBC30000: Executor Dying: AntChannel fired OnChannelDeath()
07-15 14:27:03.333: E/AntChannelExecutor(29379): BBC30000: Executor Dying: RemoteException occured executing DoWork() in task: Scan Search Controller
07-15 14:27:08.283: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:27:13.683: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:27:15.705: E/AntPluginService(29379): BBC30000: UnexpectedError, acquireChannel_helper called with null ArsComm

Second try:
07-15 14:28:02.463: E/AntChannelExecutor(29379): BBC30000: Executor Dying: AntChannel fired OnChannelDeath()
07-15 14:28:02.523: E/AntChannelExecutor(29379): BBC30000: Executor Dying: RemoteException occured executing DoWork() in task: Scan Search Controller
07-15 14:28:14.943: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:15.403: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:15.733: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:17.003: E/AntPluginService(29379): BBC30000: Reqacc msg handler rcvd msg, but service is dead
07-15 14:28:17.463: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:21.793: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:28.943: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:29.793: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:31.693: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).
07-15 14:28:40.853: E/ANTSocketManagerThread(29394): rxThread: Socket connection closed unnexpectedly. Attempting reconnection (after 6 second pause).




Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


arrgh - 03 July 2014 11:57 AM
My experience with the new API's is worse than before. Now every single time I stop/start an async scan I see the above errors and/or this:
W/MessageQueue(17402): Handler (android.os.Handler) {2be6dce8} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
W/MessageQueue(17402): java.lang.RuntimeException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {2be6dce8} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:196)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:473)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:446)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler.sendMessage(Handler.java:383)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Handler$MessengerImpl.send(Handler.java:587)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.IMessenger$Stub.onTransact(IMessenger.java:56)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:338)
W/MessageQueue(17402): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

Nothing has changed except moving to the new libraries.

Update: Switching to MultiDeviceSearch, this occurs when cancelling.

I have still not received any acknowledgement that this is an issue. Is it being looked at? When might we expect a fix?

This will be a road block for me, but I believe fixing it is out of my control. Any help would be greatly appreciated!





Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


As I stated before these logs do not indicate a failure that affects the correct operation of the plugins. The logs are caused by a race between the PCC shutting down its message handlers and the service processing the release request while live data is still being received. We have worked on it, and some of the causes of it will be removed in the next release. Until all the fixes are released, these logs can be safely ignored.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with this, especially reproducing the cases which are not covered by "some of the cases of it will be removed in the next release". My project will not pass customer acceptance tests while repeatedly triggering a warning in logcat, and trying to explain to the client that ShaneG says "these logs can be safely ignored" is going to be a hard sell.      

