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Android Application without using APIs


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2014-08-25


Hi ,

Is there is any alternate way to develop Android App rather than using the ANT+ plugins?
Because I want data from ant engine in byte form and want to process that data.

Please reply as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance.      

Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


There are separate SDK's for ANT+ and ANT.

The ANT API's allows you to configure a channel how you would like, and read/write the raw data payload. You cannot use this for ANT+ devices though, as the ANT+ network is not available (as this would prevent other apps seeing the connected device).

Is your use case to connect to ANT+ devices? The "IRaw<Type>DataReceiver" callbacks provide the same information as the ANT message data payload bytes.      

