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Newbie to ANT+ 


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-10-24


Hello guys,

This is my first try with ANT+, I am a road cyclist by passion and I would like to play a little bit with the sensor I own using my samsung galaxy note 3. I already tested the plugin and it works fine, but I would like to write some code from scratch to get the information from my Garmin Heart rate sensor. I am a little bit lost in trying to make this work. Do you have any suggestion or code sample just for begin?

Thank you very much

Total Posts: 129

Joined 2010-11-30


Hi Luca,

The I Want To Create A Mobile App page should get you started.

On the Downloads page you will find the Android ANT+ SDK. This includes the library you will need to include in any of your apps to get access to the ANT+ API, along with full source for the ANT+ Plugin Sampler.

Good luck!