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Auto Shared Channel missing slave messages


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-10-30


I am creating an Auto Shared Channel network and observing some anomalous behavior. I created master and slave node code that runs on custom hardware, Nordic nRF51 dongles, and PCA10007 development boards.

After completing device registration my master node sends broadcast messages and my slave devices respond with broadcast messages. I observed that the master receives a broadcast message from the slave node on every second message sent rather than every message.

I verified that the slave nodes receive all messages sent to the shared address and respond by broadcasting a message with the node's shared address. Half of the messages sent with a sd_ant_broadcast_message_tx generate event EVENT_TX and half do not.

I also have two slave nodes from a Nordic nRF24AP2 Development Kit; using the SensRcore ANT modules (ANT11TS33M5IB) with IO boards. These nodes work as expected; receiving and sending all messages.

Is there something I have missed in implementing the slave state machine that would result in every other message being sent by the slave to not be broadcast over the air?

Thank you for your help.


Nancy Burkholder