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Issue with frequency of receiving data


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2015-04-01


Hi everyone,
I developing application which using background scanning mode. I based on example from ANT Android SDK. Almost everything working fine but I have issue with frequency of receiving data. I set Channel Period on 4Hz and Master device sending data with the same frequency. I was convicted that I should recive 4 data frames per second but I am able to recive only 1, sometimes 2 frames of data per second. In case when there is more then one Master devices I observed situations when application didn't recive data from one of device for few seconds.

I was simulating master devices using ANTware so I am sure that 4 data frames was send.

Application works on SGS5.

Has anyone faced with the same situation?      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-11-25


Hi jaroo,

I have the same problems as you. I am developing an application which is based on Sample_AcquireChannels_1-2-0. This was tested on two mobile phones (xperia mini st15i, xperia E3). I should recive 1 data frames per second but I am able to recive only per two seconds or never.