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Android AntMessageFromHost Network Key


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-01-22


I am working with the Android Ant sdk. I have the scan example working and can receive from a master running on antware. I am having trouble figuring out how to set a private 64bit network key for a network slot. Also, once set how do you configure a channel to use that network?

Part of my confusion may be that I have been used to using the sdk for the nrf51422 which pretty much hides the ant/host relationship.

I looked through the API documentation and feel like I am guessing. I could not find any usage of AntMessageFromHost in the examples which I presume is how ant is configured.

I see the class SetShortNetworkKeyMessage but I don't understand how to use it.

Thanks For Any help


Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


You will need to specify the network key when first acquiring the channel (using an acquireChannel() override). The Creating ANT Android Apps doc in the SDK doesn't explain this.      

