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To communicate by ANTware II and ANT+Simulator


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2009-12-24


I am doing communication test using ANT DK.

When communicate two modules with two 'ANT ware II' or two 'ANT+ simulator', I act without problem.

But, one is ANT ware II, other one side is not communicated if set by ANT+ Display Simulator.

Made default setting equal refering log file.

Should I do what to do it to be communicated? [img size=700]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/images/antwareii-66272e4fedd4f83d550fa2d500eb9473.jpg[/img]      

Total Posts: 116

Joined 2008-11-21


ANTware II operates, by default, on the Public Network whereas the ANT+ simulator operates on teh ANT+ network... This is why you cannot get the connection to work when using ANTwareII configured module (ie on public network) to an ANT+ simulator configured module (on ANT+ network)...

To get them to operate on the same network, you will need to set your network key on ANTware II to the ANT+ network key. In ANTware II this is done in the left hand panel of the window... maximise the menu of the selcted device and go to the "Info/Net" tab... enter the ANT+ network key and click on "Set Network Key"      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 0


Hi, this can also spare a hour or two of somebody's else life. Besides the network key, it is necessary to adjust frequency by 57 (to 2457) in ANT Ware II. The default value after installation was 66.
The frequency is the only figure that I did not find on the Simulator screen and I had to adjust, besides the mentioned network key indeed. [img size=420]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/images/antwarescreen.png[/img]      

Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15


I'm trying to simulate a SDM sensor(RF:57, period:8134, DeviceType:124, TransType=1 Etc...)
When I use the antwareII as receiver, I receive the data whereas when I use ANT+simulator display I do not receive anything.
It seems the issue is linked to the networkkey.
But I already double checked the network and when I use the 0x46 command the AP2 reply NO_ERROR.
Do you any track to solve my problem.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Total Posts: 213

Joined 2011-05-02



Make sure that the network key is set to the ANT+ network key on your transmitting device. The ANT+ network key can be found here: http://www.thisisant.com/pages/ant/ant-device-profiles