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Automatic start/stop of the Record/Lap Messages


Total Posts: 12

Joined 2013-07-09



I am writing ANT sensor data in FIT format for an Activity file. I have used System.Timers.Time which generates events after each second to write the Record Message for each second. But as we know that an activity file can have multiple Lap (where one lap can have multiple record messages) messages. Now I am confused when to stop writing the record messages. I have following different options in mind:

1>To wait for an event to occur at the users end
But how to capture such an event? Can I use Activity file events???
2>To have another lap timer for the lap which can generate events after a specific interval ( such as after 10 mins). But how to decide this 10 min interval? How can I be sure that the user want to have another lap or he want to stop at all.

3> Can we establish some dependency between the workout file and activity file? How to do this. Please suggest
