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Multi bike of ANT+ for unity


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2016-07-03


I am using GARMIN cadence sensor with ANT usb stick2 and the plugin(ANT+ for UNITY) on my pc to track the speed of the bikes.

It's work fine with one sensor but when I turn on two sensor, they still using the same channel.

So, is it possible to track more than two sensors on one pc at the same time?
Do I need to change the coding to add the channel or something?
Please give me some hits      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Yes, it is possible to track more than 2 sensors on one PC using 1 ANT USB stick (up to 8 using channels; up to ~75 using continuous scanning mode). As you linked an external library, I would recommend reaching out to the developer to see if they can provide support for it.