Hi there,
I'm new to ANT and to the nRF52, so I'm in the process of running through some of the example code. I've been able to successfully run peripheral and BLE examples. However, I haven't been able to do the same using the ANT SoftDevices.
I'm using a nRF52 Preview DK, and am trying to run the heart rate monitor example (ant_hrm_tx_auto_s212_pca10036.uvprojx).
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
• Downloaded the ANT SoftDevices and programmed the ANT_s212_nrf52_1.SD to the board using nRFgo, through the OB J-Link.
• Copied the header files from the ANT SoftDevice zip to \Nordic_Semiconductor\components\softdevice\s212\headers
• Defined the ANT_LICENSE_KEY in nrf_sdm.h
• Compiled the program in Keil uVision (v5)
When I try to load the program to the nRF52, I get an error:
Error: Flash Download failed - Could not load file 'D:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\examples\ant\ant_plus\ant_hrm\hrm_tx\auto\pca10036\arm5_no_packs_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf'
Any idea what's going on here? I haven't had this problem when running other, non-ANT example/tutorial files, but I'm sure it's just something simple.