I have created a Windows UWP app to run on my Raspberry Pi 2, with ANT USBStick2 attached. Created from the demo app that comes with the SDK.
I am getting "ANTLibrary Exception: Unable to initialize USB....." from the call to device0 = new ANT_Device();
I have trawled through all the previous posts I could find and have tried various things, including the readme.iot file that comes with the ANT SDK for UWP, but still cannot connect to the ANT Stick.
Things I have tried:-
The files ANT.UWPWrappedLib.dll, ANT.UWPWrappedLib.winmd and ANT_NET_UWP.dll are all in the running directory of the app.
I copied the ANT_WinUSB.inf to the Pi and installed and rebooted.
I can see the ANT USBStick2 listed on the "Windows Device Portal" Device Manager with ID: USB\VID_0FCF&PID;_1008\196
When I run "devcon status USB\VID_0FCF"&"PID_1008" on the Pi, I get:
Name: ANT USBStick2
Driver is running.
1 matching device(s) found.
On the Raspberry Pi Device info screen, the ANT USBStick2 is listed under Connected devices
I have updated the apps Package.appxmanifest to include the following capability
<DeviceCapability Name="usb">
<Device Id="vidpid:0CFC 1008">
<Function Type="name:vendorSpecific" >
I have also tried using the alternative device0 = new ANT_Device(1, Convert.ToUint32(57600) );
So everything looks good. But I am still getting the exception "ANTLibrary Exception: Unable to initialize USB....." from the call to device0 = new ANT_Device();
I would be grateful for any advice, thanks.