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ANTWareII Script example


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-01-10


Dear All,
I'm sorry to ask for an already discussed topic, but I am not able to solve by myself.
First, I'm not a professional programmer, I like to define myself an advanced, copy-paste-modify engineer grin

I am looking for script examples to understand how I can get a data stream from a CTF sensor and log into a text file. I found a post with script example links, but all are broken.
Any hint?
Many many thanks in advance,

Total Posts: 370

Joined 2012-06-27


Hi Pietro,

Are you looking to log a subset of data, all data, any particular format?

Since you are interested in a particular profile, have you looked into using SimulANT+ instead of ANTWareII? Using the SimulANT+ scripting interface you can handle page objects by adding an event handler for self.simulator.DataPageReceived. This will likely simplify your parsing logic. There are some constructs to support logging. See "SimulANT+ Scripting Interface.chm", in the SimulANT+ zip from the downloads section of this website, for more information on this interface.



Ian Haigh


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2019-01-10


haighi - 06 August 2019 11:57 AM
Hi Pietro,


Hello Ian, thanks for the answer. In the end I used simulant and saved the raw data stream.
Then I used a excel spreadsheet with soome VBA scripting to post process the data followinf the device profile documentation.

Have a nice day,