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A training tracker android applications(open source)


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


What also helps when the connection between Polar H7 and a training tracker is lost: pair the Polar H7 with the Polar Beat app, then unpair it again with the Polar Beat app, than pair it again to a training tracker.

Peter Gamma      


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


I use a setup where I record 27 h 7 d sensor data with a training tracker. I had problems with two identical Garmin watches, two Polar OH1 sensors, and two Polar H7. What is working now is a Galaxy S5 with ANT+, and two Polar OH1 sensors used alternatively, one recording sensor data, one charging. One Polar OH1 is paired over ANT+, the other over BLE.

Peter Gamma      


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


Don t forget to tick on .csv in the a training tracker settings. Else a training tracker does not store .csv files on the smartphone. You find the the .csv files in the folder workouts in a subdomain of the a training tracker folder on the smartphone.

Peter Gamma      


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


When I change from BLE to ANT+ with Polar OH1 and a training tracker, a restart of the phone is necessary. Else the phone won t find the sensor. A training tracker asks to resume the previous recording.      


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


With resuming files with a training tracker after reboot I had some problems. A training tracker asked several times to resume the previous files, which I always said yes to it. But it does not always resume the previous file. It seems as there where some older files stored on the device. I deleted all files in a training tracker, reinstalled a training tracker, made a hard reset of the smartphone, but I could not solve the problem. I decided to put together the .csv file manually in a database software.


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


When you use a training tracker with two Polar OH1 sensors alternatively for continous recording, one paired over BLE and the other over ANT+, remove all sensor pairings when you change to the second Polar OH1 first, then pair to the second Polar OH1 in the a training tracker settings. Then reboot the smartphone. A training tracker should find the second Polar OH1 and is ready for recording from the second Polar OH1.Only with these steps I managed to record from two Polar OH1 sensors continously.      


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


a training tracker only counts steps from ANT+ foot pods, but not from BLE foot pods. This is because only the ANT+protocol supports steps, but not the BLE protocol (personal communication from Rainer Blind, developer of a training tracker.      


Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2020-06-23


Yoyo2014 - 06 August 2020 10:43 AM
With resuming files with a training tracker after reboot I had some problems. A training tracker asked several times to resume the previous files, which I always said yes to it. But it does not always resume the previous file. It seems as there where some older files stored on the device. I deleted all files in a training tracker, reinstalled a training tracker, made a hard reset of the smartphone, but I could not solve the problem. I decided to put together the .csv file manually in a database software.
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Thank you so much for sharing. It's very helpful to me.      

Total Posts: 243

Joined 2018-09-10


Thanks for sharing your experience. I wrote an issue about the resume function on Rainer Blinds a training tracker Github and reported it::



Peter Gamma


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2020-11-05


I recommend using https://www.bluestacks.com/ru/index.html as an Android emulator for PC and then install https://www.worktime.com/employee-monitoring as tracking software.      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2023-04-14


Thank you for the message. I have been experiencing the same issue and trying to find a solution.