UPDATE: I can't seem to delete this post. Sorry. I did find the profile and am all good.
I'm new here. Trying to decipher Messages received from my SRAM eTAP shifting system to decode battery voltages and status. It seems the info should be in page 82. I can't find the profile docs for shifting that describe how to shift the bits and get the info about which of the 4 components (front/rear/left/right) the messages relate to. I'm only getting 3 different voltages back. Thanks!
Shifting MESSAGE Received: page:{82} payload:[[82, 255, 36, 255, 255, 255, 12, 24]]
6:13:56 LISTENER Shifting Battery: {p82} Status:1 (8.046875V) [50173]
Shifting MESSAGE Received: page:{82} payload:[[82, 255, 68, 255, 255, 255, 107, 18]]
6:14:04 LISTENER Shifting Battery: {p82} Status:1 (2.417969V) [50173]
Shifting MESSAGE Received: page:{82} payload:[[82, 255, 68, 255, 255, 255, 115, 18]]
6:14:32 LISTENER Shifting Battery: {p82} Status:1 (2.449219V) [50173]