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Background search on nRF24AP2


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2023-08-08


I'm trying to get background search working on an nRF24AP2.

According to this application note, to configure a background search you send an "Assign Channel" with type=0x10, and extended assignment 0x01.

My understanding is that type 0x10 is a bidirectional transmit channel. When I do that, I just get a lot of "TX Broadcast Events" from the channel, so I'm assuming that's a typo.

If I set it to 0x00 (bidirectional receive channel) or 0x40 (unidirectional receive channel), I do seem to get the broadcast events from nearby devices, but I'm not getting extended broadcast data.

I've tried both the "Enable extended messages (0x66)" method, and the "Set Lib Config (0x6e)" method, and I still only receive 9-byte broadcast data messages, with no embedded channelId.

To be clear, I've tried opening the channel using both sequences described in section 5.2 of the application note, (but with Assign Channel:Type=0x00, rather than 0x10), and in both cases I only get the regular broadcast data, not the extended data.

As far as I can tell, the nRF24AP2 should support extended messages, via either command 0x66 or 0x6e.

Is there something else I need to configure to make this work?