Uses of Class

Packages that use AntInterfaceException

Uses of AntInterfaceException in com.dsi.ant

Methods in com.dsi.ant that throw AntInterfaceException
 void AntInterface.ANTAddChannelId(byte channelNumber, short deviceNumber, byte deviceType, byte txType, byte listIndex)
          Add channel IDs to the inclusion/exclusion list.
 void AntInterface.ANTAssignChannel(byte channelNumber, byte channelType, byte networkNumber)
          Assign the a channel.
 void AntInterface.ANTCloseChannel(byte channelNumber)
          Close a channel that has been previously opened.
 void AntInterface.ANTConfigEventBuffering(short screenOnFlushTimerInterval, short screenOnFlushBufferThreshold, short screenOffFlushTimerInterval, short screenOffFlushBufferThreshold)
          ANT config event buffering.
 void AntInterface.ANTConfigList(byte channelNumber, byte listSize, byte exclude)
          Configure the inclusion/exclusion list.
 void AntInterface.ANTDisableEventBuffering()
          ANT disable event buffering.
 void AntInterface.ANTOpenChannel(byte channelNumber)
          Open a channel that has been previously assigned and configured.
 void AntInterface.ANTRequestMessage(byte channelNumber, byte messageID)
          Request a specific information message from the device.
 void AntInterface.ANTResetSystem()
          This message is sent to the module to reset the system and put it in a known, low-power state.
 void AntInterface.ANTSendAcknowledgedData(byte channelNumber, byte[] txBuffer)
          Send an acknowledged packet on a channel.
 void AntInterface.ANTSendBroadcastData(byte channelNumber, byte[] txBuffer)
          Send a broadcast packet on a channel.
 int AntInterface.ANTSendBurstTransfer(byte channelNumber, byte[] txBuffer)
          Transmits the given data on a channel as a burst message.
 void AntInterface.ANTSendBurstTransferPacket(byte control, byte[] txBuffer)
          Send a burst packet on a channel (8 bytes).
 int AntInterface.ANTSendPartialBurst(byte channelNumber, byte[] txBuffer, int initialPacket, boolean containsEndOfBurst)
          ANT send partial burst.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetChannelId(byte channelNumber, short deviceNumber, byte deviceType, byte txType)
          Configures the channel ID for a specific channel.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetChannelPeriod(byte channelNumber, short channelPeriod)
          Configures the messaging period of a specific channel.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetChannelRFFreq(byte channelNumber, byte radioFrequency)
          Set the RF frequency for a particular channel.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetChannelSearchTimeout(byte channelNumber, byte searchTimeout)
          Configure the length of time that the receiver will search for a channel before timing out.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetChannelTxPower(byte channelNumber, byte txPower)
          Set the transmit power level for a specified channel.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetLowPriorityChannelSearchTimeout(byte channelNumber, byte searchTimeout)
          Configure the duration the receiver will search for a channel in low priority mode before switching to high priority mode.
 void AntInterface.ANTSetProximitySearch(byte channelNumber, byte searchThreshold)
          This function enables a one-time proximity requirement for searching.
 void AntInterface.ANTTxMessage(byte[] message)
          Write a raw message (8 bytes) to the ANT chip.
 void AntInterface.ANTUnassignChannel(byte channelNumber)
          Unassign a channel.
 boolean AntInterface.claimInterface()
          Take control of the ANT Radio.
 void AntInterface.disable()
          Disable ANT.
 void AntInterface.enable()
          Enable ANT.
 int AntInterface.getServiceLibraryVersionCode()
          Returns the version code (eg.
 java.lang.String AntInterface.getServiceLibraryVersionName()
          Returns the version name (eg "1.0") of ANTLib used by the ANT Radio Service
 boolean AntInterface.hasClaimedInterface()
          Check if the calling application has control of the ANT Radio.
 boolean AntInterface.isEnabled()
          Checks if ANT is enabled.
 boolean AntInterface.releaseInterface()
          Give up control of the ANT Radio.
 boolean AntInterface.requestForceClaimInterface(java.lang.String appName)
          Claims the interface if it is available.
 boolean AntInterface.stopRequestForceClaimInterface()
          Clears the notification asking the user if they would like to seize control of the ANT Radio.

Uses of AntInterfaceException in com.dsi.ant.exception

Subclasses of AntInterfaceException in com.dsi.ant.exception
 class AntRemoteException
 class AntServiceNotConnectedException