Interface | Description |
AntPlusBikeCadencePcc.ICalculatedCadenceReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedCadence event, which is:
The cadence calculated from the raw values in the sensor broadcast.
AntPlusBikeCadencePcc.IMotionAndCadenceDataReceiver |
Receiver for the MotionAndCadenceData event, which is:
A 'stop indicator flag' to indicate whether the cadence sensor has detected that the bike has stopped.
AntPlusBikeCadencePcc.IRawCadenceDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawCadenceData event, which is:
The raw event timestamp and revolution count accumulation.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IAutoZeroStatusReceiver |
Receiver for the AutoZeroStatus event, which is:
The updated Auto Zero status of the sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.ICalculatedCrankCadenceReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedCrankCadence event, which is:
The average cadence between two received messages calculated from the bet available data from the power sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.ICalculatedPowerReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedPower event, which is:
The average power between two received messages calculated from the best available data from the power sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.ICalculatedTorqueReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedTorque event, which is:
The average torque between two received messages calculated from the best available data from the power sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.ICalibrationMessageReceiver |
Receiver for the CalibrationMessage event, which is:
Response data from the power meter when calibration occurs (either by request or automatically performed by the power meter) or is confering current calibration status.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.ICrankParametersReceiver |
Receiver for the CrankParameters event, which is:
The power meter returned the requested crank parameters.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IInstantaneousCadenceReceiver |
Receiver for the InstantaneousCadence event, which is:
The instantaneous cadence data.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IMeasurementOutputDataReceiver |
Receiver for the MeasurementOutputData event, which is:
Data sent by power meters intended to enrich the calibration process.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IPedalPowerBalanceReceiver |
Receiver for the PedalPowerBalance event, which is:
The pedal power data field provides the user's power contribution (as a percentage) between the left and right pedals, as measured by a pedal power sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IPedalSmoothnessReceiver |
Receiver for the PedalSmoothness event, which is:
The instantaneous values of left and right, or combined, Pedal Smoothness from the sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IRawCrankTorqueDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawCrankTorqueData event, which is:
Event timing information and torque values from a power sensor that measures torque at the crank.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IRawCtfDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawCtfData event, which is:
Event timing information and crank torque values from a power sensor reported as frequency instead.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IRawPowerOnlyDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawPowerOnlyData event, which is:
The basic power data calculated by the sensor itself.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.IRawWheelTorqueDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawWheelTorqueData event, which is:
Event timing information and torque values from a power sensor that measures torque on the rear wheel.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.ITorqueEffectivenessReceiver |
Receiver for the TorqueEffectiveness event, which is:
The instantaneous values of left and right Torque Effectiveness from the sensor.
AntPlusBikeSpeedDistancePcc.IMotionAndSpeedDataReceiver |
Receiver for the MotionAndSpeedData event, which is:
A 'stop indicator flag' to indicate whether the speed sensor has detected that the bike has stopped.
AntPlusBikeSpeedDistancePcc.IRawSpeedAndDistanceDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawSpeedAndDistanceData event, which is:
The raw event timestamp and revolution count accumulation.
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.IDownloadAllHistoryFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the DownloadAllHistoryFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a
#requestDownloadAllHistory(IDownloadAllHistoryFinishedReceiver, IFitFileDownloadedReceiver, IAntFsProgressUpdateReceiver) command. |
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.IDownloadMeasurementsStatusReceiver |
Receiver for the DownloadMeasurementsStatus event, which is:
Receives the status of a
#requestDownloadMeasurements(boolean, boolean, IDownloadMeasurementsStatusReceiver, IMeasurementDownloadedReceiver, IAntFsProgressUpdateReceiver) request. |
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.IMeasurementDownloadedReceiver |
Receiver for the MeasurementDownloaded event, which is:
Receives measurements as they are downloaded by a
#requestDownloadMeasurements(boolean, boolean, IDownloadMeasurementsStatusReceiver, IMeasurementDownloadedReceiver, IAntFsProgressUpdateReceiver) request. |
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.IResetDataAndSetTimeFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the ResetDataAndSetTimeFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc#requestResetDataAndSetTime(boolean, IResetDataAndSetTimeFinishedReceiver, IAntFsProgressUpdateReceiver) command. |
AntPlusEnvironmentPcc.ITemperatureDataReceiver |
Receiver for the TemperatureData event, which is:
Current temperature and 24 hour highs and lows.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IBasicResistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the BasicResistance event, which is:
The basic resistance mode settings data.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IBikeDataReceiver |
Receiver for the BikeData event, which is:
The data specific to bikes.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ICalculatedTrainerPowerReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedTrainerPower event, which is:
The average power between two received messages calculated from the best available data from the trainer.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ICalculatedTrainerTorqueReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedTrainerTorque event, which is:
The average torque between two received messages calculated from the best available data from the trainer.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ICalibrationInProgressReceiver |
Receiver for the CalibrationInProgress event, which is:
Response from the fitness equipment while it completes calibration.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ICalibrationResponseReceiver |
Receiver for the CalibrationResponse event, which is:
Response from the fitness equipment after it completes calibration.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ICapabilitiesReceiver |
Receiver for the Capabilities event, which is:
Manufacturer-set capabilities data from the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IClimberDataReceiver |
Receiver for the ClimberData event, which is:
The data specific to climbers.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ICommandStatusReceiver |
Receiver for the CommandStatus event, which is:
Confirms the status of commands sent from an open display to the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IEllipticalDataReceiver |
Receiver for the EllipticalData event, which is:
The data specific to ellipticals.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IFitnessEquipmentStateReceiver |
Receiver for the FitnessEquipmentState event, which is:
The current type and state of the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IGeneralFitnessEquipmentDataReceiver |
Receiver for the GeneralFitnessEquipmentData event, which is:
The general information required to be sent by the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IGeneralMetabolicDataReceiver |
Receiver for the GeneralMetabolicData event, which is:
The metabolic data for the user.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IGeneralSettingsReceiver |
Receiver for the GeneralSettings event, which is:
The general settings data.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ILapOccuredReceiver |
Receiver for the LapOccured event, which is:
This event is fired when the fitness equipment determines a lap has been finished by the user.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.INordicSkierDataReceiver |
Receiver for the NordicSkierData event, which is:
The data specific to nordic skiers.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IRawTrainerDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawTrainerData event, which is:
The basic power and cadence data calculated by the trainer itself.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IRawTrainerTorqueDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RawTrainerTorqueData event, which is:
Event timing information and torque values from a trainer that measures torque on the rear wheel.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IRowerDataReceiver |
Receiver for the RowerData event, which is:
The data specific to bikes.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ITargetPowerReceiver |
Receiver for the TargetPower event, which is:
The target power mode settings data.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ITrackResistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the TrackResistance event, which is:
The track resistance mode settings data.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ITrainerStatusReceiver |
Receiver for the TrainerStatus event, which is:
Indicates whether the trainer requires calibration and/or configuration data to be sent, and whether the target power range can be attained based on the current cycling speed.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.ITreadmillDataReceiver |
Receiver for the TreadmillData event, which is:
The data specific to treadmills.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IUserConfigurationReceiver |
Receiver for the UserConfiguration event, which is:
The user configuration page transmits user-entered data from the open display to the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.IWindResistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the WindResistance event, which is:
The wind resistance mode settings data.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.IAuthTokenRequestFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the AuthTokenRequestFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a finished authentication token request.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.IAvailableDeviceListReceiver |
Receiver for the AvailableDeviceList event, which is:
Broadcasts the current list of devices available to connect to along with information identifying any change since the last update, if applicable.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.IDataDownloadFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the DataDownloadFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a finished data download.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.IProgrammingFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the ProgrammingFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a finished programming task.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.ISimpleProgressUpdateReceiver |
Receiver for the SimpleProgressUpdate event, which is:
Communicates the work done.
AntPlusHeartRatePcc.ICalculatedRrIntervalReceiver |
Receiver for the RrInterval event, which is:
Heart beat timing data calculated by the plugin.
AntPlusHeartRatePcc.IHeartRateDataReceiver |
Receiver for the HeartRateData event, which is:
The heart rate data broadcast by every ANT+ heart rate sensor.
AntPlusHeartRatePcc.IPage4AddtDataReceiver |
Receiver for the Page4AddtData event, which is:
The additional data sent on page 4.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.ICalorieDataReceiver |
Receiver for the CalorieData event, which is:
The total calories consumed over the session.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.IComputationTimestampReceiver |
Receiver for the ComputationTimestamp event, which is:
Data about the timing of the last speed and distance computation.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.IDataLatencyReceiver |
Receiver for the DataLatency event, which is:
The sensor reported latency between calculation and sensor transmission.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.IDistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the Distance event, which is:
The total distance travelled since the plugin connected to this device.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.IInstantaneousCadenceReceiver |
Receiver for the InstantaneousCadence event, which is:
The instantaneous cadence data.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.IInstantaneousSpeedReceiver |
Receiver for the InstantaneousSpeed event, which is:
The instantaneous speed data.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.ISensorStatusReceiver |
Receiver for the SensorStatus event, which is:
Various status information about the sensor.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.IStrideCountReceiver |
Receiver for the StrideCount event, which is:
The cumulative stride count since the plugin connected to this device.
AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc.IAvailableDeviceListReceiver |
Receiver for the AvailableDeviceList event, which is:
Broadcasts the current list of devices available to connect to along with information identifying any change since the last update, if applicable.
AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc.IDownloadActivitiesFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the download activity commands.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.IAdvancedMeasurementFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the AdvancedMeasurementFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of an advanced measurement request.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.IBasicMeasurementFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the BasicMeasurementFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a basic measurement request.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.IBodyWeightBroadcastReceiver |
Receiver for the BodyWeightBroadcast event, which is:
The weight value currently broadcast by the weight scale.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.ICapabilitiesRequestFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the CapabilitiesRequestFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a capabilities request.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.IDownloadAllHistoryFinishedReceiver |
Receiver for the DownloadAllHistoryFinished event, which is:
Receives the result of a
#requestDownloadAllHistory(IDownloadAllHistoryFinishedReceiver, IFitFileDownloadedReceiver, IAntFsProgressUpdateReceiver) command. |
MultiDeviceSearch.RssiCallback |
Callback interface for the RSSI Update event
MultiDeviceSearch.SearchCallbacks |
Callback interface for receiving search results and status
Class | Description |
AntPlusBikeCadencePcc |
Enables communication between a client and the BikeCadence plugin service.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc |
Enables communication between a client and the BikePower plugin service.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CalculatedWheelDistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedWheelDistance event, which is:
The accumulated calculated distance traveled.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CalculatedWheelSpeedReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedWheelSpeed event, which is:
The average speed between two received messages calculated from the best available data from the power sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CalibrationMessage |
The calibration data sent by the power sensor.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CrankParameters |
The crank parameters sent by the power meter.
AntPlusBikeSpeedDistancePcc |
Enables communication between a client and the BikeSpeedDistance plugin service.
AntPlusBikeSpeedDistancePcc.CalculatedAccumulatedDistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedAccumulatedDistance event, which is:
The accumulated distance calculated from the raw values in the sensor broadcast since the sensor was first connected.
AntPlusBikeSpeedDistancePcc.CalculatedSpeedReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedSpeed event, which is:
The speed calculated from the raw values in the sensor broadcast.
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc |
Enables communication between a client and the BloodPressure plugin service.
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.BloodPressureMeasurement |
Contains the data of a blood pressure FIT message.
AntPlusEnvironmentPcc |
Enables communication between a client and the Environment plugin service.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc |
Enables communication between a client and the FitnessEquipment plugin service.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CalculatedTrainerDistanceReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedTrainerDistance event, which is:
The accumulated calculated distance traveled.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CalculatedTrainerSpeedReceiver |
Receiver for the CalculatedTrainerSpeed event, which is:
The average speed between two received messages calculated from the best available data from the trainer.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CalibrationInProgress |
Sent from the fitness equipment while a calibration is being performed.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CalibrationResponse |
Response from the fitness equipment after it completes calibration.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.Capabilities |
Manufacturer-set capabilities data from the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CommandStatus |
Confirms the status of commands sent from an open display to the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.Settings |
Provides information about the user and previously paired sensors.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.UserConfiguration |
The user configuration page transmits user-entered data from the open display to the fitness equipment.
AntPlusGeocachePcc |
Enables communication between a client and the Geocache plugin service.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.GeocacheDeviceData |
Represents the data contained on a Geocache device.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.ProgrammableGeocacheDeviceData |
Represents the programmable data contained on a geocache device.
AntPlusHeartRatePcc |
Enables communication between a client and the HeartRate plugin service.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc |
Enables communication between a client and the StrideSdm plugin service.
AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc |
Enables communication between a client and the WatchDownloader plugin service.
AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc.DeviceInfo |
Device information, used in available devices list and making requests
AntPlusWeightScalePcc |
Enables communication between a client and the WeightScale plugin service.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.AdvancedMeasurement |
Represents the data contained in an advanced measurement from a scale
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.UserProfile |
Represents data specific to the user of the weight scale
MultiDeviceSearch |
This class allows an application to search for multiple ANT+ device type simultaneously with a
single ANT channel.
Enum | Description |
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.AutoZeroStatus |
The Auto-Zero status code.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CalibrationId |
The calibration response code.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CrankLengthSetting |
The crank length setting.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CrankLengthStatus |
The crank length status sent by the power meter.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.CustomCalibrationStatus |
If the sensor requires custom calibration.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.DataSource |
The data source code.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.MeasurementDataType |
The measurement data type sent by the power meter during calibration.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.SensorAvailabilityStatus |
The availability of sensors for the power meter.
AntPlusBikePowerPcc.SensorSoftwareMismatchStatus |
The status of the sensor software on left/right sensors.
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.DownloadMeasurementsStatusCode |
Defines the status codes for the
AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.requestDownloadMeasurements(boolean, boolean, com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus.pcc.AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.IDownloadMeasurementsStatusReceiver, com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus.pcc.AntPlusBloodPressurePcc.IMeasurementDownloadedReceiver, com.dsi.ant.plugins.antplus.common.AntFsCommon.IAntFsProgressUpdateReceiver) request. |
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CalibrationInProgress.SpeedCondition |
Indicates whether the speed conditions for successful calibration are currently met by the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CalibrationInProgress.TemperatureCondition |
Indicates whether the temperature conditions for successful calibration are currently met by the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CommandStatus.CommandId |
The command ID sent to the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.CommandStatus.Status |
The command status of the last received command by the fitness equipment.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.EquipmentState |
Defines Equipment State Codes
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.EquipmentType |
Defines the Equipment Type Codes
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.HeartRateDataSource |
Defines Heart Rate Data Source Codes
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.Settings.Gender |
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.TrainerDataSource |
The data source code.
AntPlusFitnessEquipmentPcc.TrainerStatusFlag |
Status flag from trainers which indicate possible required user intervention.
AntPlusGeocachePcc.DeviceChangingCode |
Defines the codes explaining the changes occurring to the device list received by
AntPlusGeocachePcc.IAvailableDeviceListReceiver . |
AntPlusGeocachePcc.GeocacheRequestStatus |
Defines the status code results sent on the result receiver for requests to the plugin.
AntPlusHeartRatePcc.DataState |
Describes the state of the data received
AntPlusHeartRatePcc.RrFlag |
Describes how the RR Interval was calculated, and which source the data was derived from.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.SensorHealth |
Reported health of sensor.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.SensorLocation |
Reported location of sensor.
AntPlusStrideSdmPcc.SensorUseState |
Reported state of use of sensor
AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc.DeviceListUpdateCode |
Defines the codes explaining the changes occurring to the device list received by
AntPlusWatchDownloaderPcc.IAvailableDeviceListReceiver . |
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.BodyWeightStatus |
The status of the body weight value.
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.Gender |
Defines codes for the gender of the user of the weight scale
AntPlusWeightScalePcc.WeightScaleRequestStatus |
Defines the status code results sent on the result receiver for requests to the plugin.
MultiDeviceSearch.RssiSupport |
Values representing whether rssi data is available for the current multi search.
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